Nymphomaniac: A Raw Romance Read online

Page 6

  “So what’s the plan for today?”

  Beth jerked herself awake. “I hadn’t given it any thought. Shopping I suppose.”

  "That sounds good to me. Maybe later." said Darren. He knew the morning was the best time to catch Beth, before she had time to gather her wits. "I think I’m going to call some property agents and get them started on the house.” He looked blankly at Beth. “I thought you might like to talk about what happened last night."

  Beth stiffened. A pulse began to throb in her groin. The only thing she could remember was Lucy’s fingers inside her. She didn’t think Darren would be talking about that. She pressed her thighs together. “What about last night?”

  Their breakfast arrived and Darren talked as he ate. “Did Lucy say anything in particular? I noticed she followed you to the ladies room.”

  "Nothing that interested me," said Beth cautiously. "Why?"

  "Oh, no real reason." Darren breathed a sigh of relief. There had been no big falling out and nothing said out of turn. “It’s just that Lucy seemed quite pleased with herself when I took her back.”

  I just bet she did, thought Beth. “Well we didn’t scratch each other’s eyes out,” she said.

  “That’s a start.” He looked up at Beth with ketchup round his mouth. “I think we should buy Alfie out of the business."


  “Alfie’s not interested in the business. He only got involved because of Lucy. If you bought Alfie out and we added his shares to ours we’d have the controlling interest. We could do as we pleased. Or maybe I should just buy him out myself." Darren lapsed into silence. His mind was busy with the possibilities.

  "I don't imagine Lucy would be too happy."

  "She wouldn't have to know. I’m sure Alfie would be overjoyed to get one over on her."

  "But doesn't Alfie do the books and look after the accounts? It would mean employing a good bookkeeper." She recognized the gleam of excitement in Darren’s eyes and knew he had already made up his mind.

  "I've thought about that.” He wiped his mouth with a napkin and missed a bit. Beth didn’t mention it. “I've spoken to my dad. He’s retired now. He said he'd be willing to take over the accounts for us. It seems criminal to waste all that experience." He gave Beth his little boy look. “"He is family after all"

  Chapter Five

  Beth didn't need reminding about Darren’s father. He was a retired accountant and both Jacob and his arrogant wife had always looked down on Beth - until she had won the money. Now they couldn't do enough for their future daughter-in-law. That’s if it ever happened. Darren hadn’t bothered proposing again. He had taken it for granted. She was even buying her own ring. She sighed inwardly and wondered why she hadn’t seen it coming. “I'll give it some thought," she said to the plan to involve Jacob in the business.

  "Thanks, Beth. Dad has some really good ideas." To Darren’s mind it was a done deal. He prattled on. "He thinks that yours and Alfie's shares should be held by family. Then we wouldn’t need to bother you for every little decision that needed making. You’re going to be far too busy for that. What with the house and your other investments. As MD I could take—"

  "As what?"

  "You know, as the managing director, Beth - when Lucy is outvoted." Darren pushed his breakfast plate to one side and sat back looking like a middle-eastern prince. "It would make life easier for all of us. Dad would look after the finances and we’d make all the major decisions together. That would also leave me time to run the franchise operation.” He stopped speaking. Beth could almost hear his brain racing as Darren wondered if he’d said too much. “You wouldn't begrudge me that much, would you, Beth?" His smile could have been borrowed from a tiger about to spring on a defenseless fawn. “What’s mine is yours and all that stuff.”

  Beth was suddenly thinking about a pre-nup agreement. "It just seems like a really big step, Darren. I'm not saying it couldn’t be done... but what about Lucy? Don’t you think she’ll fight it?”

  Darren grimaced at the mention of Lucy. "She won't be left with any choice. She’ll still be a director and share in the profits - just like you. If she makes that much fuss you can buy her out too, like you said last night. Maybe that’s what she deserves after the way she treated you."

  Beth felt sick. Darren was putting the blame on Lucy’s as if he had nothing to do with it. "I'll need to see a business plan," she said. She was feeling a shade despondent. But she supposed Darren was doing what he thought was best to protect her interests.

  "Of course you will. I’ll put dad to work on it straight away."

  "He’ll need to include a sensible cash-flow projection. The bank will want to go through it.”

  “The bank?” Darren’s brow darkened. "Can't this just be between us?" He stared straight at her. "You don't trust me, do you?”

  "Of course I trust you, Darren. But you know I have other commitments." Ali's words were echoing in her head. "The bank invests on my behalf. I need to let them know if I want to change the amount of capital available to put into short term investments."

  Darren raised an eyebrow. "But it is your decision in the end, isn’t it?"

  "Of course it is. I just need to keep to the normal notice periods."

  Darren’s face relaxed. No sweat. He’d just have to remember to give Beth a compliment now and again. His features took on new life. "Great, that’s settled.” He pushed back his chair. “I won’t be long. I’m going to make those phone calls to the house agents. I’ll do it in the lobby. We don’t want everyone knowing our business.” He stood up and adjusted his jacket. “Then you can take me shopping.”

  Beth ordered a latte. She had experience of Darren on the telephone. He’d be trying to negotiate a deal. He couldn’t just simply make a phone call. She absentmindedly wondered when she’d see Ali again. There was still pending paperwork that had to be dealt with. She considered giving Ali a call. She felt she owed her personal manager an apology. She was reaching for her mobile when it rang. Darren was waiting for her.

  "You took your time," said Darren as she stepped into the lobby.

  "I ordered a latte. I expected you to be longer. Any luck?"

  Darren smiled conspiratorially. "Yeah, I think so. I'm having some details sent to the apartment and I've arranged to meet one of the agents the next time we're in London. It’ll be soon anyway, won't it? You did say we'd look to replace the ring you threw at me."

  Beth gritted her teeth. It was her fault, of course. Nothing stuck to Darren. On the other hand she was feeling extraordinary guilty. First about Lucy, then it was the stolen evening with Tom. Now she felt that Darren might read her mind and discover the imprint of Ali on her thoughts. "What about tomorrow? Would that be too soon for you?"

  "That would be great. I'll ring the agent and check with him later. I’m sure it won’t be a problem. I’ll book us a hotel room at the same time." Darren breathed in and blew out the breath in a long satisfied sigh. Everything was working out just fine. He had been lucky with the agent. His first call had put him in touch with a well-spoken guy that had been on his wavelength. There wouldn’t be a problem in uplifting the selling price and splitting the difference on a suitable property. If he was engaged as the sole agent he would move heaven and earth to find the exact thing that Tom wanted. Poor Beth had no idea of property values. An extra fifteen percent wouldn’t cause her to blink an eye. At the prices he’d been looking at that would be mean a whopping £300.000 in his bank account - maybe even more. And tomorrow he would be choosing the ring. "Let’s go shopping, Beth," said Darren unexpectedly. "I want to buy you something."

  They returned late in the afternoon. The car was laden with bags and their faces were flushed from the exertions of spending money. They had decided on an out-of-town shopping centre and Darren had worked hard to punish Beth's credit card, scouring the designer outlets with grim determination. He had remembered to buy Beth a present and she had been excited that he had kept his promise. Then she had insisted on buyin
g him the dozen Armani shirts.

  "A good day's work I'd say, Beth."

  "I don’t think you were even trying, Darren.” She had been surprised that he had avoided the jewelry shops and gone as far as buying her something with his own money.

  "I’ve just got to make a couple of calls, Beth. It went right out of my mind. I’ll meet you in the bar.” He called over a porter to carry Beth’s bags to her room.

  "Okay, no problem. Come and find me when you’re done.”

  Beth strolled into the bar and found a chair, vaguely wondering if Darren would book a double room or the usual two singles. She was desperate to bed him and show him how she’d changed. But he was being incredibly gallant. She could almost believe he was getting it somewhere else. The insane image of Darren with Lucy burned into her brain and she felt the stirrings of jealousy. She wasn’t sure of which one. She needed a drink.

  "Red wine, please. Make it a large glass.”

  "Hmm, you look like you’re in a hurry, Beth."

  She turned her head and the vagueness dropped from her face like snow from a sun-warmed roof. "Ali!" Beth impulsively lifted up on her arms to kiss Ali on the cheek. "I'm so pleased to see you. Let me get you a drink. What will you have?"

  Ali stood back, looking a little stunned by Beth's warm greeting. “Coke please, Beth.” She had colored slightly but relaxed as she looked round and realized that Beth was on her own.

  Beth ordered from the waiter and looked at her hands. She was trembling. She had shocked herself with her reaction to Ali’s appearance from nowhere. She had enjoyed a brilliant afternoon with the love of her life but here she was, inexorably drawn to the slender young woman staring down at her. "Sit down, Ali, please."

  "Let me grab my briefcase." She turned to approach a group of chatting businessmen and ease her way through a crowd of bodies that weren’t trying too hard to move out of her way. She kept a smile on her face and politely made her excuses to a range of crestfallen faces.

  She was back in a moment, sliding into the chair opposite Beth like a cat slinking into its favorite corner. “Are you sure you're allowed to speak to me?" She was mocking Beth with a sparkle in her eyes.

  Beth grinned at Ali’s cheek. She felt like a breathless teenager in Ali's company. She returned her twinkling stare. "It’s fine, as long as I don't get caught.” They exchanged a wicked grin. “I'm so sorry about last night, Ali. I should have stood up for you a bit more."

  Ali waved away her apology. "Don't give it another thought, Beth. I know you’re under a lot of pressure." She regarded Beth seriously. "I know it can’t be easy coping with newly acquired wealth. This is a dangerous time for you, Beth. You’ll find you have more friends than you ever imagined. And even your old friends look on you differently. Some genuinely believe they have a right to share in your good fortune. I can only urge you to be careful, Beth. Trust your instincts."

  Beth looked intently at Ali's straight face. She was the picture of propriety, sensibly dressed in a tailored business suit and crisp white blouse that stunningly enhanced the golden skin of her throat. Her wide brown eyes were deep with honesty and Beth imagined that Ali would be incapable of deceit. Was she trying to warn her? And if so, of whom should she be afraid? She recoiled from the upsetting train of thought. “I’ve got you to save me, Ali.”

  Ali met Beth’s eyes and they held their gaze as the drinks arrived. “I’ll do my best for you, Beth.” She sat back and unbuttoned the snug-fitting jacket. Beth's eyes were drawn to the swell of Ali’s breasts as she twisted in her seat to reach down to her briefcase. The front of her blouse parted as she awkwardly extracted a folder. Beth was transfixed by the glimpse of satin flesh that Ali’s low cut bra revealed.

  "I’ve got something that might interes—" Ali had turned suddenly and traced Beth’s gaze to her breasts. Her hands instinctively went to her blouse to pull the material together and redness touched her cheeks.

  Beth lifted her eyes to meet Ali’s hot gaze. A jolt of electricity sparked between them. Ali dropped her eyes and self-consciously slid the folder onto the table. They both used their drinks to take a moment to calm down.

  Beth shifted in her chair. "Wha… What was it you wanted me to look at, Ali?" She fought back the emotional turmoil that was pounding in her chest and desperately tried to ignore the stirring in her lower region. Ali had no right to look so sexy. Damn it! She loved Darren. She needed Darren. The months she had spent pining for him had convinced her that she couldn't exist without him. But Beth wanted sex with this woman.

  "It’s a share issue the bank thought might interest you. You can go through it when you’ve got a chance. There’s no rush." Ali opened the folder and turned it towards Beth. Her fingers were shaky. She had deliberately joined the noisy businessmen that had sat through her seminar on corporate investment at the bar. Just in the hope of seeing Beth. Ali’s breath was coming in short gasps and she had longed to shamelessly bare her aching breasts to Beth’s eyes. She had dreamt of the way Beth’s hands would feel on her skin and of how she would meekly surrender to the raven-haired goddess. "Take all the time you need, Beth." She drew in a long breath. When she looked up again her features betrayed nothing of her churning emotions. "How is everything working out for you, Beth?” It was a casual question asked in slow and controlled words.

  "Ali, we need to talk. Somewhere privat—"

  "Well, well, this is cozy." Darren’s clipped tones shattered the eggshell of isolation they had built around themselves.

  Beth looked up sharply. She had been on the edge of foolishness. "Hello, Darren, finished your business already?"

  "It's just as well by the look of things. What the hell is she doing here?" Darren’s mouth was set in a thin line as he stared at Beth, refusing to look at Ali.

  Beth took instant offence. She wasn’t going to allow Ali to be bullied again. “Actually, I asked Ali to join me."

  "And she just happened to be passing, I suppose?"

  "If you must know, Ali was here on business. She pulled herself away from her colleagues to talk about a share issue I might be interested in. You don’t know everything about me, Darren."

  "It's all right, Beth," interrupted Ali coolly. "I can speak for myself." She focused eyes that had turned to quartz on Darren. "I’ve been delivering a corporate investment seminar to local businessmen, if you must know, Mister Eldom." She glanced towards the group of loudly chatting men at the bar. "Would you like me to introduce you to them? Though I'm sure you don't need my help when it comes to making a good investment."

  Darren looked about ready to explode. He swung his eyes on Beth. "Are you just going to sit there and let her talk to me like that?"

  Beth drained her glass. "You did ask, Darren. Ali was just doing me a favor. Get over it."

  "I'll just bet she was," mocked Darren. "Well?"

  "Well, what?”

  "Have you told her that the bank can expect some rather large bills in the very near future?"

  "Her name is Ali. And no, I haven't discussed anything with Ali yet, satisfied?" Beth was battling to control her temper. She felt for Ali. She’d done nothing to deserve Darren’s scorn.

  "It’s not a problem, Beth." Ali rose to her feet and buttoned her jacket. "I'll call you tomorrow." She sent a winning smile in Beth’s direction before wedging the folder under her arm and stooping to grab her briefcase. “Goodnight, Beth." She picked up her coke to drain the glass before looking coldly at Darren. "Goodnight, Mister Eldom. Do have a pleasant evening."

  Then she was gone before Beth had a chance to say goodbye. She stared wistfully at Ali’s receding back. Then Darren dumped himself in Ali's chair and blocked Beth’s view of Ali’s slender legs.

  "That woman has got a bloody cheek," spat out Darren. She needs taking down a peg or two."

  "I really don't see the problem," said Beth tiredly. She reached for her wine to finish it off.

  "You're hopeless sweetheart." Darren shook his head and stretched his arm across the table t
o take her hand. "You're a sucker for a smart talker. I suppose some people would give her credit for that. She knows what she’s doing, that one. You just don't see it, do you, Beth? Thank heavens I'm here to look out for you. You’re a lucky woman, Beth. Whatever would you do without me?"

  Beth clamped her lips together. It wouldn’t do to give a truthful answer. Darren loved her and would do anything to defend Beth and her newly-found wealth. She really should really be more grateful for his concern. But at that moment she didn't feel particularly lucky. Her mind was still reeling from the impact that Ali had made on her. She looked into Darren’s expressionless eyes and took in the boyish smile that he was able to switch on and off at will. She had often wondered about that. Beth scolded herself. She was being unkind. Darren was protecting her because he loved her. She put the image of Ali's unspoiled beauty to the back of her mind and focused on Darren’s unwavering gaze. She owed him some attention.

  "Would you like to eat in the hotel tonight, Darren?" A pleasant meal together would put a new perspective on things. She might even talk Darren into staying the night.

  Darren smiled his widest smile. She always came round in the end. "Actually, Beth, I think we could both do with an early night. We've got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. We're in London, don't forget. I thought we might make an early start and take the fast train.” He stood up and stretched. “You can walk to the car with me if you’d like. I'll grab a takeaway on the way home."

  Beth smiled dutifully. It looked like she would be sleeping alone again. That meant more work for her wicked fingers. The sooner she wore Darren’s ring on her finger the better it would be for both of them. Tomorrow would be a fresh start. Darren would have a new engagement ring to give to her and perhaps feel secure enough in their relationship to want to fuck her. "Come on then," she said as cheerfully as she could manage. “Let's get you off to bed." She stood up and stifled a yawn. "I suppose I am feeling a little tired."