Nymphomaniac: A Raw Romance Read online

Page 5

  "Yep, you’re certainly the expert on beds," countered Alfie. "I believe you've been in enough of them. I’m sure you enjoyed keeping our female clients happy. Not to mention the boss." He flicked a disparaging glance at Lucy.

  "At least I know how to keep a woman happy," snapped Darren. "I won't cry my eyes out if she wants me to treat her rough."

  "Apparently so, Darren. And the rougher the better for both of you, eh?" retorted Alfie. “I don’t think I’d want a woman to do that to me.”

  "What would you know about it?" demanded Darren. He was seething with rage and embarrassment. "You're just a jealous ex-boyfriend who wouldn't know how to give a woman a good time if he was paid to."

  "Maybe I know more than you think," said Alfie calmly. "And I can guess the rest. It's Beth that I feel sorry for. She doesn't know what she's letting herself in for. She deserves better than you."

  "Gentlemen, please, control yourselves," hissed Beth. "We're here to discuss business not to trade insults." The two females had sat stunned up to that point. Now the argument was attracting the attention of the other diners and Beth had stepped in. "You’re making a spectacle of yourselves."

  "He started it," said Darren childishly. "Making eyes at you. It's all rubbish. He's just after your money and he hates me with a vengeance."

  “Can you hear yourself, Darren?” whispered Beth, “You sound like a spoilt child.”

  "Don't flatter yourself, Darren," cut in Alfie. "I wouldn't waste my time on you." He got to his feet and signaled the waiter for his coat. "Thank you for the meal, Beth. I'm sorry about the company."

  "What about the business plan?" asked Lucy worriedly. "Don't you want to talk about the franchise model?"

  "I think you mean yours and Darren’s plans," scoffed Alfie. "Do what you like. I don't care anymore. I'll go along with whatever is decided. Though, if Beth gives you a penny she needs her head examined." She glanced to where she sat. "No offence, Beth. Goodnight."

  "None taken," said Beth. She gave him a half-smile and watched as he shrugged into his coat and walked out of the restaurant.

  "Good riddance," muttered Darren. "We're better off without him."

  "I second that," said Lucy. "Now perhaps we can get down to some serious business."

  "I don't think so," said Beth slowly. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but Alfie's outburst had put her on her guard. "We've all had a little too much to drink. I think I'd like to leave it for another day. I know what you want, Lucy. You’re looking for the finance to set up a franchise operation. Darren’s told me enough about it. I'm sure you'll have some figures and a business plan before you expect me to make a decision. May be we should leave it like that."

  "But we're here now," insisted Lucy. She would rather take a chance on talking Beth into committing herself than leave the decision to a bunch of faceless accountants. "It seems a shame to waste the opportunity. I'm sure Darren would agree with me."

  "I said another day, Lucy."

  "Beth's right," said Darren. He’d seen the signs and knew that Beth's shutters were coming down. The evening had not gone entirely to plan but there would be other opportunities when Alfie's sharp tongue wasn't around to stir things up. He glared a warning at Lucy and spoke in a mellow voice. "Who would like another drink?"

  "Good idea," agreed Beth, keen to put a full stop to any further talk of business for one night. "Let's take it into the lounge. Just excuse me for a minute. I need to freshen up.”

  Beth walked away as Lucy and Darren started a heated conversation behind her. They could argue between themselves as much as they liked. She pushed back the door of the empty ladies room and walked to the immaculate row of sinks that sat below a full width mirror. It was all very tastefully done. She checked her face. She looked good. Just a flick through her hair and a spray of perfume would be enough.

  "I'm sorry, Beth."

  "Sorry?” Beth spoke without turning round. “Is that the best you can come up with, Lucy?"

  "What else can I say?"

  "I treated you like a sister, Lucy. You betrayed me. And you chose Darren of all people. Can you imagine how much that hurt?"

  "You forgave Darren, didn’t you, Beth? How come it’s me that taking all the flak? It takes two to tango. We mean more to each other than that. Remember?”

  Beth watched Lucy walk up behind her in the mirror. Their eyes met over Beth’s shoulder. Lucy’s hands snaked round Beth’s hips to curve down to her pubic region. Her moist lips dropped to Beth’s neck. There was a throaty moan that they made together. Beth’s resistance was non-existent. Her head dropped back as Lucy nibbled on her satin skin. Lucy turned Beth round to face her and locked their mouths in a deep, exploring kiss. Her hands roamed up and down Beth’s back resting her buttocks on the edge of the shelf that held the gleaming sinks.

  Beth broke the lingering kiss. “You can’t do this, Lucy. We’re not students anymore.”

  “We don’t have to be,” whispered Lucy. “You know you want this.” Beth leant back on her arms as Lucy peeled down the top of her dress and bent her head to Beth’s erect nipples. “Your body is telling me what your words aren’t.”

  Beth groaned. Yes, she wanted this. She wanted Lucy to take her. She wanted the bitch to fuck her. Then she realized what she was thinking. One hand went up to Lucy’s shoulder to try to push her away. She hiked up the top of her dress with the other. “No, Lucy. It’s not what I want.”

  “You’re lying to me, Beth.”

  Lucy reacted in the way that Beth had hoped she would. No! That was wrong. The way she had hoped she wouldn’t. It was too late. Lucy’s hand had lifted her dress and was cupping her burning sex. She couldn’t stop her legs from parting. She arched backwards as Lucy’s fingers glided up and down her slippery slit before her thumb circled on Beth’s clitoris and two fingers slipped inside her. Lucy was nibbling on her throat and her fingers were sliding in and out. Beth’s hips were rotating against Lucy’s hand. The fingers were going faster. Beth bit her lip. Her legs were shaking. She could feel the orgasm building to screaming pitch. Beth was a squirter. Her orgasms were shattering. She couldn’t scream. She mustn’t scream. Beth screamed.

  “You silly bitch,” hissed Lucy. “Quick, make yourself presentable. Someone must have heard you. Say you turned an ankle or something.” She softened her voice. “This isn’t finished, Beth. I want to fuck you properly. Somewhere where we won’t be disturbed. At the apartment. I’ll be expecting you.”

  Beth nodded dumbly. The thought of being dominated and fucked by Lucy was making her wet again. God, she was pitiful.

  They were preening themselves in front of the mirror when the door opened. They were maybe a little red in the face but otherwise perfectly composed.

  "Good evening, Beth. Hello, Lucy."

  "Ali! What are you doing here?" She was the last person Beth had expected to walk through the door.

  “Hello, Ali,” said Lucy icily. I hear you’re Beth’s new account manager. I don’t remember you being so interested in the restaurant’s accounts the last time we met.”

  Ali smiled. “I only look after the important customers now.”

  Lucy glared hatred. She stalked past Beth and pushed through the door. “I guess I’d better leave you two important people to yourselves then.” She looked over her shoulder. “I’ll be seeing you soon, Beth,”

  Ali turned her smoldering eyes on Beth. “Somebody heard a scream. I was nearest the door,” she explained. “I’m glad you’re okay.” She swept her eyes over Beth. “You look wonderful.”

  Beth blushed. “Thank you, Ali. I turned an ankle. It’s fine now. You look pretty good yourself.”

  It was Ali’s turn to blush. “Shall we go?” She pushed open the door for Beth.

  Beth returned the favor and held it back to allow Ali to walk in front of her. Beth’s motives weren’t entirely selfless. Her eyes caressed Ali’s rear. She was wearing a pencil skirt with a high slit at the back and a shimmering silk blouse that displayed
her body to perfection. Her hair was loosely held back behind her head and she was barely wearing make-up.

  The apologetic smile that Ali made as she perched on the edge of the seat cushion radiated warmth. "I can only stay a minute. I popped in to give you this." She held out a slim folder for Beth's attention. "The Agreement for your signature as promised, madam."

  "That was quick work, Ali." Beth settled into her armchair. "Do you give this kind of service to all of your customers?" She signed the paperwork quickly and held onto it tightly, as if it would work as well as a ransom note in stopping Ali leaving.

  "Only the special ones," said Ali with a gaze that left Beth stumbling over her words.

  "I… I'm impressed. Are you sure you can't stay longer, Ali? The hotel has a great cocktail bar. Please say you’ll stay.” Beth felt her cheeks burning as the words came out of her mouth.

  Ali appeared for one heart stopping moment to be swayed by Beth's plea.

  "I'm sure that Ali has better things to do than hang around hotel lounges." Darren’s words were harsh and spoken through gritted teeth. He stared coldly at the inoffensive woman. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

  Ali lifted effortlessly to her feet. "My business is with Miss Thomas. I don’t believe it’s of any your concern, Mister Eldom." Ali looked unshaken.

  "Maybe you’re right. But I would appreciate it if you kept your dealings to business hours," said Darren rudely. He snatched the folder from Beth's hands and shoved it at Ali. "Miss Thomas does have other commitments, you know. You can't just walk in whenever the fancy takes you."

  "Isn't that for Miss Thomas to say?" said Ali politely as she gripped the folder and betrayed her anger with the whiteness of her knuckles.

  Darren twisted his head to look pointedly at Beth.

  It was the last thing that Beth wanted to happen but Darren was to her soon-to-be husband. She stood up and looked at the floor before meeting Ali’s eyes. "I'm sorry, Ali, but if you wouldn't mind, can you call me first before we meet up for business.” There was a hidden message that passed Darren by. She just hoped Ali has grasped it

  Darren sneered openly. "Is that plain enough for you?"

  Ali lowered her eyes before looking at Beth. "I understand perfectly.” She held onto Beth’s eyes for a moment before turning to walk quickly from the lounge.

  "Ali…" called Beth but she didn't alter her pace. "Damn it," she muttered under her breath then rounded on Darren. "Did you have to embarrass her?" she asked sharply.

  "You have to keep these people in their place, Beth. The next thing you know she'll be having dinner with us." Darren laughed at the absurdity of the idea.

  “Where’s Lucy?” asked Beth innocently.

  “She’s waiting outside. I said I’d run her back seeing as Alfie has disappeared. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “That’s fine. I’ll meet you in the morning. There’s no point in you running to and fro, is there.” Anything was better than having to see Lucy again right now. She knew she’d only have to look at Lucy to feel the heat flaring between her legs. “Just make sure you stick to your separate rooms.”

  “Don’t worry, Beth. Lucy is quite safe with me.” He chuckled at the idea before pecking her on the cheek. “See you in the morning.” He walked jauntily away without looking back. Lucy was waiting. She had been insistent that she wanted to get back as quickly as possible. She had plans that would probably include him and a variety of sex toys. He walked a little faster.

  Darren was as good as his word. He wasn’t great in the morning and had made a big effort to be there. Beth was late in coming down and Darren was waiting in the breakfast room. She had not long returned to the hotel and had come in through the back entrance. When Darren had left she had been left in a state of confusion. She guessed she still loved Darren but she had been unable to resist Lucy’s sexual advances. Then Ali had been inside her head from the moment they’d first met.

  Life couldn’t get any more complicated.

  She had called a cab and gone back to the one place that she could be alone to think. She’d arrived at the door to her old apartment and had her key in the door.

  “Hey, slumming a bit, aren’t you, Beth?”

  Tom was walking down the corridor. He was wearing dark blue trousers and an open-necked light blue shirt. He looked like he had just finished work. His smile was like the sun peeping over the horizon in the morning and his corded arms swung manfully from his short-sleeved shirt. He was more handsome than Beth remembered. She sucked in a breath and her heart missed a beat. His eyes caught hers and held them as he walked closer. At that moment he was everything she needed.

  “Tom!” She ran towards him and he caught her in his arms and twirled her round. “I’m so happy to see you. Without thinking she lifted her hands to his cheeks to pull down his head and kiss him full on the lips.

  Tom let her go and stepped back. “Hey, hey, hey! What was that for? Not that I’m complaining.”

  “I’m sorry. Tom/” Beth blushed. “I’m just so happy to see you.”

  “I’m happy to see you too, Beth. Did I mention that you look fantastic?”

  “What, this old thing?” she said, spinning on her toes to display the £1,000 designer dress. “Just something I threw on.”

  Tom laughed. “I’m glad that things have worked out for you, Beth.”

  Beth’s face dropped. “I wouldn’t say that exactly.”

  “Uh oh. What’s up, Beth? Hey, do you fancy a mug of tea?”

  Beth grinned. “I’d love one, Tom. But I’m going to make it for you.” She turned her key in the lock. “I haven’t seen the old homestead for a bit. She spun to look at Tom. “You know, I might just keep this place on. It would be somewhere I could get away from everything.”

  “That would suit me fine,” said Tom. “We need someone to brighten the place up a bit.”

  “Then that’s what I’ll do.” She leant towards him and dug him in the ribs. “You old charmer.”

  “Go and make the tea.” He gestured as if intending to slap her on the bottom. Beth squealed and ran away from him. Tom laughed and spread himself out on the sofa.

  Beth flitted around the kitchen. She hadn’t felt this comfortable and happy for a while. “It’ll have to be creamer. No milk I’m afraid.”

  “Perfect,” came back the single word.

  She was back in three minutes. Tom had found the remote and switched on the TV. A Sandra Bullock film had just started. “Perfect,” she mimicked. “I love Sandra Bullock. Move over, you big lug.” She smiled at Tom and lowered her eyelashes before looking up to stare into the crystal blue of his eyes. “Thank you, Tom.” She leant in and kissed him on the lips again. This time it lasted a bit longer. “Do you mind if we don’t talk and just watch the film?”

  “Whatever you want, Beth. I’m here for you. Oh, and if you feel like kissing me again that’s okay too.”

  Beth giggled and dug him in the ribs again. “I’m sorry, Tom. Life has been so hectic. Now I just feel...” She searched for the right word. “Comfortable. Like we’ve know each other forever.”

  “I know exactly what you mean.”

  They didn’t speak much after that. She had snuggled against his chest and he had dropped an arm round her. The ending made Beth sniff back her tears. “Oh, isn’t that touching, Tom?”

  Tom didn’t answer. She glanced up at him ready to dig him in the ribs when she saw that Tom was sleeping. No one had ever fallen asleep on her before! Beth suppressed a giggle. Tom had been working. He had probably had a stressful day. She glanced at the digital clock and yawned before falling asleep nestled in his arms.

  “Beth. Beth, wake up, Beth.” Tom was gently shaking her awake.

  She was sleepy. She was warm and cozy. She reached up a lazy arm and pulled his face down to hers. The kiss was dreamy. It felt natural and Tom kissed her back. It lasted for the time it took for the angels to rub the sleep from their eyes and wake up in heaven. The kiss was warm and sensual. Beth was br
eathless. The kiss consumed them. Beth could feel Tom’s erection but he wasn’t groping her. It made the kiss even more romantic. Beth was becoming hot. She squirmed in his lap, teasing him with her body pressing into his.

  “Beth. Beth.” Tom was easing them apart. “Look at the time. I’d guess you need to be going.”

  Beth looked round and gasped. “Damn! You are so right, Tom.” She kissed him again before struggling to her feet. “Damn,” she said again. She looked at Tom’s amused expression. “I don’t know what you’re smiling at, Tom. You don’t know what you’ve missed!”

  Tom laughed. “I can hazard a pretty good guess. Go on, off you go. I’ll leave the place tidy.”

  “Thanks, Tom. Maybe―”

  Tom cut her off. “No promises. Beth. You’d better run. You’ll need to get changed.”

  “Thanks, Tom.” She blew him an air kiss and hurried to the door pulling her mobile out to call for a cab as she ran.

  “I’d give you a lift but I ride a motorcycl―”

  Beth caught some of what he shouted but didn’t take it in. She was too busy sprinting down the corridor. Her heart was light and she felt like laughing with joy. Five minutes for the cab. It was there in four.

  All she had to do was go through the back door, sneak into the hotel and get changed. No one needed to know. Darren would have a fit.

  Life couldn’t get any more complicated.

  "Good morning, Beth. You look awful." Darren fired from the hip. "How did you sleep? I’d say not very well by the look of it.”

  She had slept fantastic. "You’re right. I didn’t sleep very well at all.”

  “Do you want to get breakfast?”

  Darren was being considerate. That didn’t bode well. “I’ll just have toast and orange juice please.”

  Darren ordered while Beth sunk into a daydream. She couldn’t stop thinking about Tom. She felt safe with the big man. She didn’t have to be on her guard. She caught herself grinning and straightened her face.