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Nymphomaniac: A Raw Romance Page 4

  "There’s one other thing that we haven't discussed," said Darren as they finished their drinks.

  "What's that?" asked Beth patiently. She took the hand that Darren offered as she stood up. "I thought we’d just about covered everything."

  "Well, you know when I made the terrible mistake of breaking up with you?"

  Beth's mouth tightened. She remembered every second of the painful scene. "What about it?”

  Darren lowered his eyes and looked suitably embarrassed. "I kinda lost the ring when you threw it at me."

  Beth went cold. The single stone diamond ring hadn't been lost. She had retrieved it from the floor where Darren hadn’t bothered to pick it up. She had gone back and found the precious ring. She had taken it with her and pulled it out every night to stare at its luster and cry herself to sleep. She wasn’t about to admit it now. She would keep the ring as a reminder of where she went wrong and buy another one. The next one she would never want to throw away.

  "I'll buy us a new one."

  "Thank you, sweetheart.” He kissed her on the cheek. “You're wonderful." When things went wrong he could get it resized for Lucy - or whoever happened to be in his bed at the time. “When should we start looking?”

  "The next time we're in London, I suppose." It was a shade too nonchalant for Darren’s liking.

  "When exactly, Beth? It’s important to me."

  She sighed as he caught her arm. "Okay, well do it in the next couple of days. Let's get going or we won't have time to see anything."

  They walked arm in arm to the car park before deciding to take Darren’s car. The Alfa Romeo was quicker than Beth's Mondeo and Darren enjoyed driving. He took the wheel and accelerated fast across the gravel yard, spitting small stones from the tires. The drive didn’t take long. He used the quickness of the car to keep out of trouble and didn’t take his foot off the gas until they hit the country roads. Then he drove slowly through the lanes and villages that boasted quaint names and hid expensive homes. The style of property that Darren was looking for wasn’t likely to have a ‘For Sale’ sign wedged in the driveway. He was carefully assessing the area, looking for the kind of wooded grounds that concealed houses that started at over £1 million. He found several and made a note of their location. Tomorrow he would contact some agents and put them to work. They stopped looking around five o’clock and headed back to the hotel.

  So far the afternoon had been fun. Maybe now was a good time for Darren to complain about the inadequacies of the lively car. He grated the gears as he took a bend too fast and swore under his breath. "I’m sorry, Beth. The gearbox is a bit sloppy. I’ll need to get the garage to take a look at it. Do you think there’s any point in messing around with it or should I trade it in for something smaller?"

  "What? It’s a new car Darren. And you’re seriously thinking about trading it in for something smaller?" Beth was taken by surprise. "If anything I thought you’d be asking about moving up a bracket. We can afford it."

  "No, I really can't afford it, Beth. It was a lovely gesture but it’s too expensive to run. It's not my money, is it? The business isn't doing well enough to stand the expense." He gave her a sly glance. "Though, I suppose the car I drive does make an impression on the clients. You’ve still got an interest in the business so maybe it would be a justifiable outlay." He smiled dispiritedly and continued quietly, "I could talk to Kierran about it. The bank might grant a loan extension. Of course it would be another burden on the business."

  "Why bother?" asked Beth. It had been a good day and she didn't want Darren to be depressed by money problems. "Look, I bought you the car and if it’s playing up I can get you another one. We’ll probably want a bigger car when we’re married anyway, so why not get one now? If you're determined to continue with the business you can contribute when the finances can stand it. It's not worth upsetting yourself over, is it? You choose the car that you want and I'll let the bank know to expect the bill. How does that sound?"

  "Beth, I couldn't," protested Darren. "You've been too generous already.” He pretended to think about it. “It would have to be in my name of course. You know, to claim the tax write down.” Then he appeared to have a change of heart. “No, I can’t take your money, Beth. I'm sorry, but I'll talk to Lucy about trading in the Alfa for something smaller." He grated the gears again on a sharp corner.

  Darren had executed a master stroke. Beth's hackles rose at the mention of Lucy's name. Her voice took on a determined note. "I insist, Darren. I will not have the man I love haggling with the likes of Lucy. I’ll buy you a new car and that's the end of it." She stared stonily ahead without another word on the subject.

  Darren congratulated himself. So far it had been a hugely successful day. They had looked at houses, he had Beth's promise on the engagement ring, and now he could look forward to owning his dream car. He had one more task to perform to make the day complete. If he could make some kind of peace between Beth and Lucy tonight he would be well on the way to completing his master plan. They were meeting Lucy and Alfie for dinner. He knew them both well enough to be sure they would bury their differences long enough to present a united front. It was amazing the mention of money had on people. He could count on their support in convincing Beth to finance the development of the business into something worthwhile. He’d be set up for life. If he played his cards right he could gain outright control of the franchise label. Darren was on his way to achieving every ambition he had ever held. Soon he wouldn't need anyone. He had managed to persuade Beth about the car in the time it had taken to drive back to the hotel. Christ, he was some sort of genius.

  "I'll see you tonight," said Beth as she leant across to kiss Darren’s cheek. "Come and collect me from my room around eight o'clock, okay?"

  "Perfect," said Darren brightly. "That’ll give me plenty of time to finalize the arrangements with Lucy and Alfie and get myself ready."

  Beth frowned. "Are you certain this is a good idea?"

  "I'm positive. Remember that you still own part of the business. There’s no point in writing it off when it could make all of us a lot of money. The foundation is there so it's in everyone's interest to come to a sensible agreement. If we can put our differences aside for one night I'm sure we can make it work." He smiled gloriously. "We've all made mistakes, Beth. Now we’ve got the chance to put things right. Life is too short to bear grudges. Don't forget, you, me and Lucy were friends for a long time."

  "Some friend," bit out Beth. "The sooner she is out of your apartment the more comfortable I’ll feel. I hate the thought of Lucy sharing with you."

  Darren lifted a hand to stroke her cheek with his fingertips. "Don't be silly, Beth. You know there’s no one else but you. Lucy is hardly ever home and her dad’s money will be released soon. She’ll be moving out in no time. Then we'll be married and you'll have me all to yourself."

  Beth smiled at the thought. "It can’t come soon enough for me."

  “Promise me you’ll at least try to be civil. If nothing else, do it for me."

  "I'll try," said Beth, resigned to an awkward evening in the company of the woman she used to regard as her closest friend. Lucy Phillips, the friend who had betrayed her without a second thought. "But it won't be easy."

  "Promise me."

  "Yes, I promise."

  "Then I'll see you later, sweetheart." He fiddled with the gear stick and Beth took the hint. She climbed from the passenger seat and closed the door before waving goodbye as Darren wheel-spun away from the front of the hotel.

  Beth had some thinking of her own to do. She was well aware of the promises she had made to Darren throughout the day - despite the lecture she had received from Ali on her extravagant expenditure. Or had she done it in spite of Ali's concern at her apparently boundless generosity? She had a feeling that a sense of guilt had been the prime motivation in her promises to Darren. She had caught herself thinking of Ali at every opportunity. Even in the middle of a conversation with Darren she had found himself wishing
it was Ali's eyes returning her gaze. She did love Darren. She was pretty sure of it. She considered that she had always loved him. But Beth’s attraction to the demure Ali was impossible to deny. It was probably no more than pre-wedding jitters. She just had to pull herself together. Ali was no more interested in her than in any other of the bank's wealthy clients. The light that Beth had seen in her eyes had been no more than professional interest in an important customer and the kudos that a successful relationship would bring.

  Beth stalked through the front doors of the hotel determined to put Ali out of her mind and concentrate on the evening ahead. The night was going to be difficult, but she would put herself through it for Darren. He was a special man and any woman would be proud to have him as her escort. She had wanted Darren from the first moment she had first laid eyes on him in the school playground. She was not about to change her mind on the strength of one uncomfortable meeting with a woman of whom she knew nothing. Other than that the striking bank employee possessed the most beautiful eyes in the world.

  Chapter Four

  Darren met Beth as she was leaving her room. “You’re late,” said Beth icily. “You were supposed to pick me up at eight o’clock. You only live ten minutes away.”

  “I am so sorry, Beth.” Darren apologized profusely. “I told you the car was playing up. I couldn’t get the damned thing started.” It was about that time that Lucy had finished slamming her dripping pussy onto his cock. But then it had taken time to untie him and to get him out of his bondage gear. “I should have walked. It would have been quicker.” He smiled disarmingly. “Anyway, I’m here now.” He looked her up and down. “Wow, you look incredible.”

  Beth softened. At least it was worth the trouble she had taken. They chatted as they made their way down to the restaurant. She could never stay mad at Darren for long. Even arriving late they were the first to be seated. Darren had explained that Alfie was reluctantly picking up Lucy. He hadn’t arrived by the time that Darren had left. No doubt they’d be along in a couple of minutes. Her own car was in for a service and Darren hadn’t deemed it inappropriate that he and Lucy should arrive together. He hadn’t mentioned that he had told Alfie to collect Lucy at 8.30.

  While they waited they ordered drinks - a scotch for Darren and a red wine for Beth. She needed something to steady her nerves at the prospect of coming face to face with Lucy. She wasn't normally a violent woman but if there was one person who needed a slap it was Lucy Phillips. Then Beth remembered she had promised Darren she would behave herself. She supposed that included not smacking Lucy in the mouth.

  They heard Lucy coming before they saw her. As usual her entrance was loud and dramatic. She pushed through the restaurant doors in her usual arrogant manner, tossing his coat at the bemused maitre d' who disdainfully passed the offending article to the nearest waiter.

  "Beth!" called Lucy as she walked through the preoccupied diners as if impatient to greet a long lost friend. "It’s sooo good to see you." She didn’t miss a step as she stooped to kiss Beth on the cheek then paused as she waited for Beth to offer the other one. Beth automatically obeyed. She was lost for words. Lucy looked like a million dollars. She was a bit flushed maybe, but she was dressed to kill. The little black dress was enough to make her decent but her rising breasts were protesting at being controlled by the tight material. Beth imagined that it was all for Darren’s benefit. Lucy was letting him know what he was missing.

  Beth could feel Darren’s eyes burning into the side of her face, pleading with her to behave. Alfie had been trailing behind and pulled out a chair for Lucy before sliding into his own. Beth and Lucy were seated opposite each other with the men at either side between them. Beth smiled and looked Lucy in the eyes. "Hello, Lucy. I’m so glad you could make it." The words were painful to say. “Hello, Alfie. This is pleasant, isn’t it?”

  Alfie muttered something and picked up a menu. It was the cue for everyone to follow suit. Beth already knew what she was having and looked over the top of her menu. Lucy hadn't changed one little bit. A false smile beamed from her stunning features. Her blonde hair was piled on her head with wispy bangs falling down the side of her slightly pink cheeks. Her makeup was just perfect. Beth couldn’t help but see the attraction. Lucy was hot. She’d found that out once for herself at a drunken student party.

  Darren had upset her. She’d guess now that the affair she’d accused him having had been with Lucy. She’d got drunk and cried her eyes out. Lucy had comforted her and somehow their lips had met. Lucy had pulled her into an empty bedroom and sat them down on the bed before kissing her neck and weakening her resistance. Lucy had guided Beth’s back to the mattress and lifted her tee shirt before sucking on her nipples while her hands travelled over the skin of her breasts and stomach. Lucy’s hands had crept down to tantalize Beth’s thighs beneath her short skirt. Even then Beth could have sat up and laughed it off. She hadn’t wanted to. Lucy had sensed the hidden depths of sexuality that Beth concealed. As hard as Beth fought to keep her thighs together they parted steadily under Lucy’s feather-like touch. Then Beth decided it couldn’t go any further. That was when Lucy had struck. Beth remembered the overwhelming surrender to Lucy when her best friend had cupped her burning sex and squeezed her firmly. A finger had been dipped inside her streaming pussy and Beth had been helpless. She had capitulated like a torn ragdoll to a seamstress. Lucy had been in complete control. She could have done anything she wanted with her. Lucy had eased Beth’s swollen lips apart and tongued the gushing slit until Beth had almost passed out. Then she had knelt over her groggy friend and freed her own breasts to push them at Beth’s mouth. Beth had drawn the tips of the silky breasts into her mouth in turn before they were taken away and replaced with a scalding mound that flowed across her tongue. Beth could have sucked on the engorged flesh all night long. She had been intoxicated with the intensity of the multiple orgasms that had sapped her will. Then Lucy had groaned through gritted teeth, rotating her hips and bruising Beth’s lips as she spent herself in Beth’s mouth. She had rested for a minute before lifting herself off Beth, adjusting her clothing and walking out of the door. Beth had needed five minutes before she chanced standing on her trembling legs. That was when she had started thinking there was something wrong with her. The shattering experience had never been mentioned by either of them.

  Beth shook he head to drag herself back to the present. She looked straight into Lucy’s eyes. There was a knowing smile on the blonde’s full lips. Beth felt herself blushing. She snatched her eyes away and smiled at Darren. It was strange that she’d never been able to fully give herself to him in the way she’d surrended to Lucy.

  Lucy decided to take the initiative forcing Beth to look at her. "You look amazing, Beth. Money suits you.”

  “Thank you, Lucy. I hear you’d like to get your hands on some of it. Apparently Darren wasn’t enough for you.”

  “Oh, it’s not for me.” Lucy looked around the table. Alfie was still staring at his menu and Darren was sitting back watching the brittle exchange. “It’s for all of us. It’s for the restaurant business. You’re still a part-owner, Beth. And Darren thinks we could make a killing of we franchised the dining experience we offer. A lot of that is down to you, Beth. It could be your name splashed on restaurant facias up and down the country. You can’t have too much money, darling.”

  Beth straightened her cutlery and twisted the corner of her napkin before looking up. “The problem is, Lucy. You’d get rich as well. Maybe I should just buy you out.”

  Lucy’s eyes narrowed. She pursed her lips and considered what to say next. Her mouth opened at the same time that the waiter arrived. It was the perfect opportunity for a pause in the conversation.

  Lucy and Darren exchanged a few words as they decided on their choices and ordered from the attentive waiter. Beth sat stony-faced as they waited for the first course to be served and Alfie focused his attention on his fingers. They ate their starters in silence until Beth felt Darren’s hand on her

  He leant across to whisper in Beth's ear, "You could make a little more effort, sweetheart." He squeezed her leg and slid his hand further up Beth’s thigh. "You did promise me."

  Beth gritted her teeth and spoke first to Alfie, inquiring how he was enjoying his meal. Then she struggled to include Lucy in the stilted conversation receiving a pat on her leg from Darren in approval. Somehow they made it through the meal and the talk became less forced. The wine began to take effect and much to Darren’s annoyance, Alfie became quite chatty. He had an unpretentious way about him that could capture a woman’s attention and hold her eyes in his hazel gaze. Tonight Alfie was in the mood to flirt. If nothing else it would wind up Darren and Lucy. He had been carrying a grudge against them in an angry silence for too long.

  To Darren’s way of thinking every man was a rival to be taken seriously. And that included Alfie. The two men focused their conversation on Beth, leaving Lucy to the unaccustomed role of a supporting act and barely acknowledging her presence. Darren strove to establish his position as the dominant male in Beth’s affections, leaning in on her and stroking her hair possessively. Alfie delighted in trapping Beth in his eyes and engaging her in trivial conversation. The rivalry continued throughout the meal until Darren finally snapped.

  "You really are a tosser, Alfie. No wonder Lucy dumped you."

  Alfie returned Darren’s sour look and arched an eyebrow. "If you remember correctly I threw her out. She had been seeing some clown behind my back and I didn't fancy catching anything."

  The barb struck home and redness blazed in Darren’s cheeks. "Maybe she wanted a real man for a change," he bit out. "Not a fucking accountant in her bed."