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Nymphomaniac: A Raw Romance Page 3

  Ali looked a little uncomfortable. A pretty blush settled on her cheeks and she lowered her long eyelashes. "I… I'll check my diary and give you a call."

  Kierran coughed politely before speaking, “Good. We’re all friends again.” He extended his hand. "Goodbye, Beth. Don't worry; you're in safe hands with Ali."

  "I'll take your word for it, Kierran," said Beth mockingly before casting a sideways look at Ali's expressionless features. She turned to face her new financial adviser and offered her hand. "Goodbye, Ali. I'll expect to hear from you soon."

  "Goodbye, Beth," said Ali evenly. She took Beth’s hand in a grip that held unexpected warmth. "I'll be in touch. Oh, by the way…" She slipped her hand free and delved into the pocket of her suit. "My card. It has my home and my mobile number on it. You can call me anytime, Beth - day or night." The twinkle in her eyes sparked with Beth's electric gaze.

  The three figures began to move towards the foyer and were almost at the door when a sharply dressed man breezed into the hotel with a beaming smile on his face. Darren had arrived.

  Beth deftly slid Ali's card into her purse and grinned at Darren’s flamboyant entrance. "Good morning, Darren."

  "Hi, sweetheart." Darren ignored the others and made directly for Beth. He kissed her on both cheeks and put a protective arm round her shoulders. Then he looked at Kierran and Ali. "Have I missed something?"

  "Good morning, Darren," said Kierran. "No, you haven't missed a thing. Nothing that is of any concern to you, anyway," he added mischievously, instantly causing Darren’s face to freeze over.

  "Thank you for your time, Kierran," said Beth. She was anxious to avoid a scene. "I hope to see you very soon."

  "Goodbye, Beth. Goodbye, Darren," said Kierran blandly.

  "Goodbye, Kierran," snapped Darren. "I expect that you and your secretary have lots to do."

  Ali smiled frostily. "Actually I'm a senior financial adviser with the bank." Then she totally blanked him to look into Beth's eyes. She dropped her voice as she put her cheek next to Beth’s. "Goodbye, Beth. Maybe we can arrange a private meeting soon?"

  Beth was taken aback. She could swear that Ali was flirting with her. "Goodbye, Ali. I’ll call you - or you can call me, whatever." She could feel the redness creeping up from her throat. She could almost visualize the daggers streaming from Darren’s eyes to strike Ali in the heart. The morning would probably cost her another shopping trip. Darren had been complaining about his new Alfa Romeo lately. Apparently it wasn’t as fast as Lucy’s car. Strangely enough, he never commented on the condition of her Ford Mondeo.

  “Give me five minutes, Darren. I need to freshen up.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait in the lounge. Don’t be too long.”

  Beth hurried. The ladies room was closest. The throbbing in her groin was driving her mad. Her nipples were hard and rubbing against her bra. She wanted to fuck Ali badly. She pushed through the outer door and strode to the furthest cubicle, twisting to lock the door at the same time as bending down to hook one leg out of her panties. Her fingers were sliding between her wet lips before she sat down with her knees apart and leaned back against the wall. She pushed one hand under her top to jerk down her bra and free her heaving breasts. She touched the rigid nipples gently as she stroked her slippery labia. Then her fingers curled inside the hot tunnel. She pulled harder on her nipples as her brain centered on the image of Ali that she was undressing in her head. Her fingers slipped in and out and her thumb circled on her clitoris hood. She pressed her lips together and squeezed her eyes shut as the ripples became a wave of joyful relief that rushed through her skull before spreading to her fingers and toes. Then she flopped back and breathed in deeply before reaching down to pull on her panties before standing unsteadily and walking to the wash basin. She adjusted her bra and smiled at her reflection. The intensity was gone but the longing was still there. If she’d read Ali right maybe the next time it would be for real. She glanced at her watch. Darren would be waiting.

  Chapter Three

  Darren was adamant that Beth should not meet Ali on her own. "The woman is no more than a jumped up clerk," stormed Darren as Beth dropped into an armchair.

  "Don't you think you're over-reacting?" suggested Beth quietly. "She seemed very nice."

  "Don't you believe it," snapped Darren. "Why do you think that Kierran Hardy arranged the meeting at the last minute? I'll tell you why," he rushed on without giving Beth the chance to answer. "He didn't want me to know about it, that's why. He knew that I would see right through his little scheme. Can't you see it, Beth? Kierran wants to control you. He thinks that by giving you a so called personal account manager you will feel obliged to consult the bank about every move you make. Kierran knows what you're like, Beth."

  "And what am I like?" asked Beth. She was becoming more than a little annoyed by Darren’s patronizing tone.

  "You're too soft, Beth," said Darren coldly. "Kierran knows that you wouldn't upset another woman. Did you see the way she looked at you? If she thinks that she can just bat her big brown eyes and get her grubby hands on your money, then she's got another thing coming."

  "Hold on, Darren," protested Beth. "Ali works for the bank. She’s there to protect the interests of the bank and give me any advice that I might need. It could come in very useful. Be fair."

  "Be fair? Oh, Beth, you are so innocent." He sighed deeply and shook his head in dismay before leaning across to pat Beth's thigh. Darren continued in a conspiratorial voice. "They’re probably in it together."

  "For goodness sake, Darren." Beth was exasperated. "Who is in what together?"

  "Kierran and this Ali woman, of course. Have you ever seen her at the bank?" Darren paused for effect.

  "No, I haven't," admitted Beth. "But that doesn't mean—"

  "Oh, I'm not saying that she doesn't work for the bank." Darren back-tracked. "But where did she spring from?"

  "The bank is just trying to help," said Beth with as much patience as she could muster. "I think that Ali was bought in to make it work and protect the bank’s image. I can live with that. Anyway, we deal with a large branch. I imagine there’s any number of people we've never seen."

  Darren smiled sweetly. "You are so trusting, Beth. You’re worth millions. There are people in this world that would do anything to get their hands on that kind of money. Kierran might be married but I shouldn't think that Ali is - she's too hard faced," added Darren spitefully.

  Beth was appalled at Darren’s reasoning. She could not imagine a warmer and gentler person than Ali. She was so beautiful that Beth hadn’t been able to get her doe-like eyes out of her mind. She was business-like. There was no mistake about that. But Beth ached to know the person beneath the very correct bank employee. She doubted that Darren saw Ali through similar eyes.

  Darren was talking in the distance. "Of course, Kierran could be gay, it wouldn't surprise me…"

  Beth smiled to herself. She liked Kierran. She had been secretly pleased to see Darren’s pompous attitude at their meetings met with cold indifference by the charismatic bank manager. Darren had hated Kierran ever since.

  He was still trying to pair Kierran and Ali together. "…of course, even if they're not an item it wouldn't stop them from trying to swindle you."

  Beth had just about heard enough. "Can you hear yourself?" she asked incredulously. She stared into his narrowed eyes. "Kierran is a respected bank manager and Ali is a senior financial consultant. Do you seriously think that either of them would jeopardize their careers for the chance to con me out of a few thousand pounds?"

  "We're not talking about a few thousand pounds, are we, Beth? You have millions of pounds deposited with the bank. That's plenty with which to start a new life in some hot country on the other side of the world."

  "You’re being ridiculous," rapped Beth. "Kierran and Ali are just trying to protect my investments and do the best they can for me. You've been reading too many trashy novels."

  "Okay, if that's what you want to bel
ieve," said Darren sulkily. "But don't say I didn't warn you. You'd better watch out for Ali. She's after you for your money. You have to remember, Beth, not all of your friends are like me."

  Beth regarded Darren quizzically. He had gone into a mood and his face was turned away from hers. He was a good looking man. There was no doubting that. But she was seeing a side of him that troubled her. He was an only child and his parents had spoiled him. They had always looked upon Beth as not being good enough for their precious son - until her recent windfall. Now his parents were eager for him to break his ties with Lucy and marry Beth. It would be a fairytale ending for the childhood sweethearts. There was another concern that niggled at Beth's brain. Deep down she knew Darren had never regarded her as sexy enough. Even when they had been together before she had known when he was thinking about someone else. Maybe that someone else had been Lucy Phillips. Maybe it had always been Lucy. It was only when they had broken up that Beth had thrown off her inhibitions and blossomed sexually. She had been like a kid at a toy fair. Managing the restaurant had made it easy. Women like Robyn had passed through her bedroom. Men that had shown her new ways to pleasure herself had handed her from one to the other. She hadn’t liked herself but she had discovered sexual freedom. Darren was in for a shock if he ever shook off Lucy’s apron strings. The problem was that Beth believed that she still loved him. And as much as she denied it there was still a bond between the three of them. She just knew that Darren would learn to love her for who she was. The Lottery win had made it easier but she dreamt that sooner or later Darren would realize his love for Beth was far more important than money.

  "What about tonight?" Darren had come out of his mood and changed the subject in an instant. "Where would you like to meet up?" He was suddenly oozing charm. He leant towards her, fixing her with his bright gaze and reaching across to stroke her leg. His eyes held a boyish look of expectancy. “You haven't forgotten we’re meeting Lucy and Alfie tonight, have you?”

  How could she forget? Tonight would be the first time she had met Lucy face to face since the day that Darren had confessed to betraying Beth with her best friend. Alfie had been invited to even out the numbers and voice his own opinion. He was still a shareholder in the restaurant and hard-headed enough to put his personal problems to one side when it came to business. Beth was going to have her work cut out resisting the overtures of the three of them. Technically she was still a director. She had been able to borrow enough money to take twenty-five percent of the business, but had been totally disinterested in making decisions that might affect the livelihood of the dedicated workforce. It had never bothered Lucy or Darren when it came to hiring and firing to balance profits against seasonal fluctuation in sales. The boot was well and truly on the other foot.

  "I thought we'd meet up here," said Beth casually. "I don’t fancy the hassle of driving into town. They know me here and the service is excellent.”

  "If that's what you want, darling." Darren was happy to let Beth make the small decisions, secure in the knowledge that she was as besotted with him as she had always been. He knew exactly what he could get away with before her back went up. There was some smooth-talking to be done if he was to get Beth to cut Lucy some slack and back the expansion plans for the restaurant company. He had already primed Lucy on how to deal with Beth. Alfie was only interested in the financial side of things. Now would be a good time for Darren to put in some effort getting Beth into the right frame of mind. There was also another little favor that he wanted to ask. It could wait for a minute.

  "I suppose you’ll need a new jacket for tonight," said Beth good-naturedly. "I feel a shopping trip coming on."

  Darren responded with a laugh. "Don't be silly, Beth. Anyone would think I'm only with you for your money." He gazed into her amused green eyes. "Why don't we take a stroll by the river?"

  Beth was thrown off-guard. "Yeah, sure, I'd like that. I just thought you might like a new jacket to wear tonight."

  "You've been too kind already, Beth," said Darren stretching his fingers to caress Beth's inner thigh. She squeezed them together to trap his hand. Darren didn’t pull free. He lowered his voice. "Let's get out of here and walk along the riverbank before lunch. Then maybe this afternoon we can drive into the country and look at some of the areas where we might want to buy a house. We can contact some Estate Agents and get them working on our behalf. I'm sure they’ll be happy to find what we want for the size of the commission involved." He had already taken the precaution of coaxing Beth into paying off his mortgage. Who knew what the future might bring?

  "It sounds like you've got it all planned out," said Beth dryly. "Well, it suits me anyway. Let's go before someone else pops up." She pushed back her seat and Darren rose to pull away the chair as she lifted to her feet. He leant forward to brush her ear with his lips. "Remember the last time we went walking by the river?”

  Beth remembered very well. He had taken her with her back against a tree and her legs wrapped round his waist. Just the thought of it was making her wet.

  Darren smiled with the satisfaction of the cat that had got the cream. Poor Beth, he thought cruelly, he was being the perfect gentleman with a suitable roguish smile. He had always been able to twist her round his little finger. She was a fool to herself. Look at her, grinning with delight at the prospect of a simple stroll by the river with her childhood sweetheart. She was one of the most desirable women in the country and she didn't have a clue. Sexy, beautiful and rich. She had only ever had eyes for him. It was too easy. And it was almost sad that he didn't feel the same way about her. He liked a sense of excitement in his women. He needed a woman that scared him with the intensity of her emotions. A woman who could thrill him a certain way. Beth would never treat him badly. Beth was dull in bed. It was women like Lucy Phillips that stirred his passion - women that ignored and dominated him. Beth could never be like that. He had her exactly where he wanted her. Then a tiny voice at the back of his mind warned of a threat to his ambitious scheming. He wasn’t sure why. He would have to watch out for Ali.

  The riverbank was a hundred meters from the back of the hotel. Darren wasn't wearing the right shoes for walking but what he had in mind wouldn't take long. They walked hand in hand along the dry bank, watching a family of swans disdainfully ignore their footsteps as they passed well clear of the broken nest that had served its purpose in the shape of two unruly cygnets. They passed out of view from the hotel before Darren tugged Beth into the shade of an old Willow tree. The branches bent to the ground to give them privacy. Darren maneuvered Beth with her back against the ancient tree trunk. She didn’t need persuading. She leant back against the trunk of the old Willow and pulled Darren into her body, spreading her legs to allow his thigh to press against her burning groin. She pulled his head down to bring his lips to her own, slipping the tip of her tongue into the cave of pink tissue that closed over her mouth. She ground herself into the hardness of his thigh and welcomed the erection that sprang against her belly. She dropped a hand to encompass the thick girth and grip him firmly before hooking a shapely calf behind his leg and jerked her hips against him. Then she snaked her fingers from between their bodies to unbutton her blouse and push up her bra cups, taking his hand into hers and lifting it to the naked flesh. He massaged a warm breast in his palm and caught the stiff nipple between his fingers, groaning at the erotic sensation as he rolled the engorged tip under his hand. Darren’s hand covered the silken swell of her breast and squeezed gently. Beth moaned softly as her fingers slid down his zipper and closed on his rock-hard erection. She was aching to feel him enter her and quench the raging fire. She was wet and ready. With her other hand she cupped his hot testicles. She fought the impulse to drop to her knees and take him into her mouth. Darren’s erection had started to throb. She needed to be quick. She put one hand under her skirt to pull her panties to one side and brought the pulsating head against her sopping entrance. She just needed to stand on her toes and arch her back.

suddenly pulled his mouth away from hers and snatched his hand from her breast before closing her blouse. He stepped back to adjust himself and pull up his zip. "No, not here, Beth. Anyone could come along and catch us. You can’t afford it in your position."

  Beth was breathing jerkily and reluctantly fastened her blouse. She barely looked at him as she made herself presentable, fighting back the tears. She felt suddenly miserable and walked away from him, pushing through the overhanging branches of the Willow and heading back along the riverbank without saying a word. Darren struggled to contain a triumphant smile. He could do anything he wanted with her. They walked back to the hotel with Darren a step behind Beth and happy with the power he still exerted over her. She couldn't have made it any easier for him. She had wanted him badly. He had almost given in to her. When the time was right he might take Lucy’s advice and fuck his beautiful ex-girlfriend. But that would only be to get what he wanted. He grinned wolfishly. Getting what he wanted would start this afternoon when they drove into the countryside. He’d guide her to the exclusive areas - where the expensive properties were. Then he’d contact some agents. There was always a deal to be done somewhere. The trick would be in getting his name on the deeds.

  Lunch was pleasant enough. Beth had come round and said she understood. She had been carried away in the moment. She admired Darren’s principles. He couldn’t commit to Beth when he was still living with Lucy. Once they had agreed a deal on the restaurant expansion and Lucy had received her father’s money the way would be clear. Maybe it was a kind if incentive.

  After lunch they dawdled over coffee and discussed the type of property that they would want to share when they were married. A swimming pool was essential, as was a tennis courts and a sauna. Beth would want a gym and Darren would need a study for his computer and business affairs. They would both need their own space. Perhaps they should consider separate bedrooms? All the best people did it. Beth frowned at the suggestion but listened patiently. Sex was a sore point at the moment. They hadn't managed to make love since they had got back together. Once they were married Darren would forget the idea of separate beds. Life together was going to be a wonderful adventure. They would share everything and never want to be apart.