Sporting Chance: A Raw Romance Read online

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  What was she thinking! Temple felt the redness surge up from her neck. She could feel the pressure of the air building inside her chest. If she didn't release it soon she was going to explode and make a total fool of herself. She expelled the stale air in a soft exhalation and drew in a calming breath. She was breathing heavily but at least she was breathing. She sensed that Elliot and Jill were waiting for her to sit down. With the grim determination of Superwoman, Temple tore her gaze from Travis' hypnotic brown eyes and tumbled into her chair. She smiled inanely at Jill, acutely aware that the heat from her face would be playing havoc with the building's fire sensors.

  "Are you sure you're okay, Temple?" asked Jill, puzzled. "Only you look a little flushed."

  "Just a dizzy spell," said Temple quickly. "I haven't slept too well lately."

  "Perfectly understandable," said Elliot, reaching across from where he was seated to pat Temple's arm and cause her to imperceptibly cringe. "Are you quite sure you are up to this?"

  "Up to what exactly?" asked Temple sharply. She was slowly recovering her composure. "I don't need to be pussyfooted around like some nervous filly. Ben may be gone but I'm still here. And Hart Leisure is still good for the rent, if that’s what’s concerning you."

  Elliot appeared flustered. "My dear Temple...”

  "Do not patronize me, Elliot," warned Temple.

  "I'm sorry. I…I don't know what to say. I…I think we…uuh...that...”

  "For lawds sake!" Temple erupted. "Will somebody just tell me what the heck is going on?"

  "Of course, Ms Hart." The cowboy’s mellow tones floated to Temples ears. She felt her breath still and every nerve-ending tingle. The voice was low and every word cleanly spoken, used to receiving attention. "My name is Travis Campbell," he drawled. "You probably don’t remember me. I knew your father.” He paused for maybe a second. “I’m not sure how much you know, Ms Hart, but Elliot has met with Ben a number of times. They discussed the future of Hart Leisure at some length. Apparently Ben was a man in a hurry."

  Temple nodded. She wasn’t sure what Travis was getting at, but she was aware that Elliot had been spending a lot of time hanging round Ben. She was unwilling to turn round and be drawn into the magnetic whirlpools of those heavenly brown eyes. It was true Ben had been talking with Elliot. It was one of the ways that Ben would have amused himself, allowing the over-eager Elliot to hang himself with a considerable length of his own rope. Ben had not been above taking advantage of the free meals that came his way. It was a game Ben played. In reality Ben would have made up his mind about any proposition put to him in about five seconds flat.

  Travis' soft tones belied the importance of his words. "I’ll come to the point. The bottom line is that we have kept our side of the bargain and we urgently need your response to our notice to quit."

  The words that floated on the velvet voice were harmless in themselves. When they were considered separately in fact, they were quite meaningless. It was when they were put together, strung into a coherent sentence. That was when they made an impact. "Notice to quit?" Temple repeated the words slowly, taking her time, as if savoring the horror of the flat statement. Temple turned her head to the side to first register Elliot's faintly embarrassed expression. Then she swung her eyes to take in Jill's unreadable gaze. Finally she got to her feet and turned to look into the now hard as quartz crystals that had so recently held the warmest, sexiest gaze she had ever looked upon.

  "You bastard," said Temple simply.

  “Temple!" started Elliot. "I don't think there's any call...” He hesitated as Travis’s eyes locked with Temple’s.

  "Get out," ordered Travis, never dropping his stare from the violet eyes that burned hatred into his brain. "Both of you get out."

  Temple was aware of movement around her. She sensed rather than saw Elliot and Jill rise from their chairs and step across the room. She heard the office door close behind them.

  "I guess from your reaction that this is the first you have heard about it," said Travis calmly. "Perhaps you should sit down and let me explain."

  "Explain?" spat out Temple. She remained standing, matching his unwavering gaze. "Explain?” she repeated forcefully. “Don't you mean lie to me? You cannot possibly be serious."

  "I can see how shocked you are, Ms Hart. I apologize for my abruptness. I really didn’t know you weren’t in on the deal. Please, give me a chance to clarify things." Travis was concerned by the intensity of Temple’s stare. "I’m at a loss to understand your reaction. I assumed you knew everything. As far as I was aware this was a mutually beneficial arrangement. We hadn't anticipated any problems. I never set out to upset you"

  "How could you do it?" demanded Temple. "Ben Gilzean was a friend of yours. And I do remember that you were a friend of my father’s. In fact, I know you worked hand in hand to develop my father's gymnasium into his dream. You built this complex for him when I was still a child. Now you're telling me that I'm being served with notice to quit. How did that happen?"

  Travis ignored Temple's question and attempted to play it down. "You're right. We did build the complex together. I have nothing but respect for Ben and your father. I was young and just starting out. Your dad gave me the chance to design and build to his specification. It was a lease-back deal that worked out very well for all of us." Travis' tone softened. "You were a cheeky kid. I haven't laid eyes on you for years - if you don't count the posters."

  His lame attempt at humor was disregarded. "Not even at my father's funeral."

  Travis' eyes clouded over for a second. He looked embarrassed. "I had my own problems at the time. I'm sorry."

  Temple took her own turn at being embarrassed, dropping her eyes. She remembered that he had divorced acrimoniously and fought a bitter custody battle with his ex-wife at around the same time as her father's death. He had wound up with custody of his daughter and a fast-growing business at the very moment when the major Studios were moving into the Orlando area. It had been Travis’ big break and he had grabbed it with both hands. His reward had been the loss of his daughter in a drunken wreck. Their experiences were uncannily similar, except that she had ended up losing her father and Travis had lost his only child. What must it have done to him? She could empathize with the pain that he had been forced to deal with. She raised her eyes expecting a look of sympathy, a shared remembrance of unbearable loss. Instead she met an unflinching gaze of chilling determination.

  "The past is in the past," said Travis coldly. "We have to look to the future. I have a signed and witnessed bill of sale in my possession. The lease held by Hart Leisure has been returned for a fair sum. Campbell Properties are already in discussion with a major hotel group regarding the development of the vacant site."

  "Vacant site!" exploded Temple. "How dare you march into my offices giving me orders to quit my business. Look around you. Does it look like a vacant site? I have absolutely no knowledge of what you are talking about. Surely you don't expect me to pack up and leave without a fight, do you? This is going straight to my lawyers. "

  Travis dared a wry grin. "It's gone way past that, Ms Hart. Believe me. This is a genuine done-deal. Elliot has been involved in parallel negotiations to ensure a quick turnaround. Arrangements are well in hand for the first stage of the new construction. The moment that Ben Gilzean put his hand to the contract, the deal was done. I have Elliot's word that Ben insisted upon it. There’s no get out clause. No room for second thoughts. Ben knew exactly what he was doing.”

  Temple's mind raced. That wasn't the way Ben worked. Ben was cautious to the point of obsession. He had vowed he would never betray the trust of her father. He had cared for Temple as though she was his own. He would never let her down - not if his life depended on it. It was true they had talked about raising finance to support the expansion of their widening commercial activities. But Ben would never have risked the complex - not without consulting her. He had the authority to push through a deal. He took care of business. But he would never have taken su
ch a final, irrevocable step without her knowledge. Surely Ben would never have deceived her.

  Temple caught herself. She was dismayed that she could ever countenance such a thought. How could she ever question Ben's loyalty? She turned the sudden guilt that swept over her into scathing fury. Temple directed its withering force at the apparently calm figure that had caused her to doubt the very man who had given her everything.

  "How despicable of you," began Temple icily before launching into an indignant tirade. "You feel that it’s okay to slander a man unable to defend himself. Call yourself a friend? Ben was worth two of the likes of you. He would turn in his grave. You are a gutless wretch, Travis Campbell, to smear the good name of a man like Ben Gilzean when you know he’s dead and can’t hit back. How dare you!"

  Travis blanched but held himself in check. "You are in a state of shock, Ms Hart. I should give you time to think; to talk to your lawyers. Acting like a spoiled child won't change a thing."

  "Don't tell me how I should behave!" Temple could feel herself coming apart. A spoiled child indeed! Hot tears were pushing at the dam that held them in check. She didn't want him to see her cry. "Just when exactly, did Ben decide to sign this supposed deal of yours?" She couldn't think of anything else to ask. Temple waited patiently for his answer, violent eyes flashing dangerously, arms akimbo. She watched him shift uncomfortably as he searched for the words.

  "I… I seem to remember," began Travis, pausing to rub the back of his wrist against his forehead in an uncharacteristic show of nerves, "It was, ah… April 30th."

  The silence that fell between them was as frozen and as impenetrable as a glacier. For a full minute neither of them moved nor spoke. Temple allowed the full impact of the date that Travis had disclosed to be fully absorbed by her disbelieving senses. A cold fury that grew from a void in the pit of her stomach expanded to fill her whole being with a terrible, trembling anger.

  When it came it began as a soft wind. "It was on the same day as Ben's heart attack?"

  Travis shook his head despairingly. “It wasn’t like that.” He raised his hands in a gesture intended to calm the building tempest. “The negotiations were ―”

  "You really are pathetic!" interrupted Temple. "Do you really expect me to believe that Ben signed over the lease of the Hart Leisure complex without a murmur of protest and conveniently dropped dead?" The wind had risen to storm force. Temple's voice was strong and strident. “Do I look like a fool?”

  “Ms Hart, listen to me. Elliot―”

  "Don't 'Elliot' me, Mister Campbell," cut in Temple like a whirlwind scything through corn. "Nothing happens in the organization of a man like you unless you give the word. Elliot Buchanan is your message boy. You take responsibility for the actions of Elliot and the rest of your pirate gang. What the hell did you do to Ben? Oh, sorry. You wouldn't have the guts to do it yourself!" she shouted derisively. "What did you have done to Ben Gilzean? Why did Ben die on the very day that you say he signed over the lease to you? Tell me. What happened to him?" The final words of accusation were screamed at hurricane velocity. Temple's stricken features were drawn into a mask of undiluted contempt.

  Travis' face darkened. He had taken more than he would have tolerated from any man. "Enough!" His shouted word hit Temple like a slap in the face. "You are distraught. Get hold of yourself. Do you honestly believe that I would stoop so low? I operate a legitimate business and I honor my word. When you have had time to think, you will realize that what you said stems from the shock and anger that you feel. It is understandable. You are still coming to terms with your loss. I respected your father. Do you think I would intentionally do anything to harm his child?"

  Temple wilted. She was exhausted. For a second she wanted to believe him. But the rage of her anger was stronger. She was no longer the spoiled child that Travis once knew. "Don't try to analyze me!" she stormed. "You don't know the meaning of honor. How dare you try to make me the bad person in this."

  Travis gave a sigh of exasperation. "I meant no such thing. But when a document is presented to me, signed, sealed and delivered, I have a duty to my shareholders to act upon it."

  "So you simply sell on the property to the highest bidder without proper consultation or even contact with all of the owners? Didn’t you even think to let me know? You won't get away with it. You're a con man, Travis Campbell." Temple was on a roll and she wasn't about to quit.

  Travis rubbed his eyes tiredly. "It wasn't like that. I had no idea that Ben was acting on his own. The deal is that the land is to be sold on to a hotel group after the acquisition of the site. The whole thing was subject to a satisfactory arrangement being agreed with Ben. I had my doubts that Elliot would pull it off. I honestly had no clue that Ben could be persuaded to sell out. At the time I was as surprised as you are now. And you’re right... maybe someone should have let you know," he added as an afterthought.

  Temple sniffed in disbelief, choosing to believe that nothing happened within Campbell Properties that was not personally approved by the mighty Travis Campbell himself. She could feel her face burning and she knew that she looked a mess. She had failed miserably in her attempt to maintain a brave face. She felt empty from the release of tension and carelessly wondered when she would get the chance to make herself presentable. She didn't want to look like this in front of Travis. But there were questions that needed to be asked. "So why did you leave it until today to inform me of this... this contract? You knew that Ben was dead. You’ve had two weeks." Her words sounded cold and distant."

  "You would normally have been brought into the planning earlier," said Travis in a lower tone. "It would be a matter of routine. But the unfortunate circumstances of late led to your enforced absence. Elliot has been waiting for you to show up." Travis fought to justify his actions. "We were trying to be considerate...” He cleared his throat. “There was the statutory fourteen day notice of cancellation. When we heard nothing from you we assumed..." He knew it sounded bad.

  Temple's brow furrowed. “Really? That was very convenient for you.” She turned her back and stopped listening. Why hadn’t she been informed? Someone must have known about the cancellation period. She twisted back and studied his face intently. At any other time she would have found him the most attractive man she had ever encountered. Despite the tragedies in his life he was still a handsome man. There was a vulnerability surrounding his portrayal of the hard-headed businessman that reached through Temple's anger and frustration to lay a finger on her heart. But she could not allow herself the luxury of compassion. She had a fight on her hands. Temple drew in fresh supplies of oxygen with a long intake of breath.

  "So you’re telling me that it was just a set of unfortunate circumstances," said Temple sarcastically. "Ben is not here to defend himself and I’m supposed to just go along with whatever you tell me. Oh, and it was because you were being so considerate that you forgot to remind me of the cancellation period. No one thought to come to my house. Thanks for that."

  Travis lowered his guard. He was anxious to avoid a second onslaught from his beautiful opponent. "I can't explain it now," he admitted. "But I do know that we're not doing any good by prolonging this shouting match." His voice had dropped in an attempt at conciliation. He could try to take the wind from her sails. He took half a step towards her then changed his mind as she set herself like a she-bear protecting her cubs. But she wasn't verbally attacking him any longer.

  Temple was finding it harder by the minute to maintain her aggression. Travis was manfully keeping his behaviour in the manner of a gentleman despite her provocation. There was just a chance he was telling the truth. Perhaps he wasn't quite as well informed as he imagined. But Travis Campbell was a hugely successful businessman. He hadn't got where he was today by sticking to the rules. In his line of business there were no rules. Could this be just another tactic? Could Travis be fooling her? It was time to call his bluff.

  "Okay, Mister Travis Campbell. It's your Company. What are you going to do about i
t? How are you going to fix it?" Temple staked Travis with her violet eyes, lifting her chin in challenge with her messed blonde hair feathering her face.

  Travis regarded her stance with a softening look. If only it could be that easy. His brown eyes lost the light of battle and this time he completed a full step closer to where she stood. "Ms Hart… Temple, may I call you Temple?" He received a brief nod of consent and continued unhurriedly. "As I tried to explain, the contracts have been signed in good faith. Everything has been done by the book. As things stand, I am unaware of any infringements against the Industry Code of Practice. I am powerless to change the course of events without good reason. I am, whether you choose to believe it or not, a man of my word. I can promise that I will closely examine Company procedure with regard to the whole process. It is unforgivable that you were left out of the loop." Travis smiled. He was sure his explanation would lead to Temple's capitulation. He could not have been more wrong.

  “Bull” Temple held on to the expletive. The fire of indignation that leapt from her eyes caused Travis to take a backward step. "So, nothing changes. You wrap it up in fancy words and everything stays the same. Everything that my father worked for... everything that Ben achieved in making Hart Leisure top of the pile in Orlando. Well, thanks for nothing, cowboy."

  Temple's sneer of contempt and the way in which she spat the word cowboy shocked Travis to the core. The last thing on his mind was to part on bad terms from the warring vision that he had inadvertently crossed swords with. He hadn't expected to run into the resistance that Temple was putting up. He didn't want it to end this way.